AUTO_TAXONOMY #use this template to perform automatic taxonomy assignment when the original tree leaf IDs are not NCBI or GTDB identifiers. You can specify the actual NCBI or GTDB identifiers by using this file. #lines starting with a hash are comments and ignored during parsing #=================================================================# # MANDATORY SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #select the separator which is used to delimit the data below (TAB,SPACE or COMMA).This separator must be used throughout this file (except in the SEPARATOR line, which uses space). #SEPARATOR TAB #SEPARATOR SPACE SEPARATOR COMMA #taxonomy database which will be used for the assignment (NCBI or GTDB). IDs assigned in the DATA section must correspond to the selected database type. TAXONOMY_TYPE,NCBI #=================================================================# # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #you can keep the original tree leaf labels by setting this option to 0 #REPLACE_LEAF_LABELS 1 #when leaf labels are replaced, the LABEL_FORMAT option will define which format to use: #1: taxonomy_name #2: original_label (taxonomy_name) #3: original_label|taxonomy_name #4: taxonomy_name (original_label) #5: taxonomy_name|original_label #LABEL_FORMAT 1 #each line in the DATA section speficies the taxonomy ID (field 2) for a leaf ID in the tree (field 1) DATA #example_human_id,9606 #some_mouse_protein_id,10090 #protein_from_chicken,9031