MULTI_STYLE #use this template to set multiple font styles to the tree node labels #lines starting with a hash are comments and ignored during parsing #=================================================================# # MANDATORY SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #select the separator which is used to delimit the data below (TAB,SPACE or COMMA).This separator must be used throughout this file (except in the SEPARATOR line, which uses space). #SEPARATOR TAB #SEPARATOR SPACE SEPARATOR COMMA #=================================================================# # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #define the character which will be used to split the labels into parts. Provide the actual character, or use the keywords SPACE or COMMA. #if not specified, SPACE will be used #LABEL_SEPARATOR,SPACE #apply the style only to labels containing this number or parts/words #PARTS_REQUIRED,4 #apply the style only to labels containing this text #INCLUDE_ONLY,Bact #skip the labels containing this text #EXCLUDE_LABELS,Euk #each line in the DATA section defines the style for one label part (specified in the first field) #fields are: #1: label part #2: style (normal, bold, italic or bold-italic) #3: position (normal, subscript or superscript) #4: color #5: size factor #6: shift X #7: shift Y #8: font family (default, Arial, Verdana, Courier, Courier New, Times New Roman, Georgia, Impact or Monotype Corsiva) DATA #1,bold,normal,#000000,1,0,0,default #2,italic,subscript,#0000ff,0.5,0,0,Courier #3,normal,normal,#ff0000,1.5,0,-10,Courier #4,normal,normal,#00ff00,1,0,0,default